Phone : (631) 218-0077
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As Chief Investment Officer and CEO, Steven provides the entire team with big picture thinking, business and marketing strategy, investment strategy, industry research, economic outlooks and coaching on subjects that he believes will improve the value delivered to clients and employees. He also heads up the investment committee with research, investment and portfolio allocation recommendations, and is the lead portfolio manager helping to implement and refine the ResearchEdgeTM process which drives all of our investment decisions. Lastly, Steven is responsible for the oversight of the firm’s operations and management, as well as business development and client relations.
If you did not live in Massachusetts, where would you choose to live?
Anywhere in New England.
Name an unforgettable place you have travelled?
What types of clients do you particularly enjoy working with?
Ones with a good sense of humor.
What’s your favorite quote?
A low one …
What is one indulgence you will never forego?
Peanut butter.
What type of music do you listen to most often?
Modern rock.
If you weren’t in your current profession, what would you choose to do?
High school Economics teacher.
What’s one movie you could watch over and over again?
Pirates of the Caribbean.
What was the last meal that truly impressed you?
Gnocchi at Zabaglione Ristorante in Ipswich, MA.
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know?
I can play the flute.