
Virtual Book Launch Party

As you may know, our Chief Investment Officer and CEO, Steven Rogé is an active member of Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor GroupSM, an exclusive organization dedicated to the ongoing study and mastery of constantly changing and complex tax laws impacting your retirement savings. Ed and his team of IRA Experts are a valued part...
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Group of Generation Z

Enhancing Financial Literacy Across Generations: Generation Z

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager Wrapping up Financial Literacy Month, the fourth and final article in our financial literacy series takes a deep dive into the budding Generation Z. More commonly referred to as “Gen Z,” this cohort was born between 1997 and 2012, and make up about 14% of the U.S. population. According to...
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group of millennials

Enhancing Financial Literacy Across Generations: Millennials

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager The third article in our financial literacy series focuses on Generation Y – more commonly known as “Millennials.” Born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials came of age during the Great Recession, and face a unique set of financial challenges compared to previous generations. In fact, according to Investopedia, Millennials “have entered...
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Financial Planning for Couples

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager The National Retail Federation estimates that 52% of American’s plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, and the average consumer will spend $192.80, totaling nearly $25.9 billion in gifts. When you think about romance, personal finance is rarely what comes to mind. But whether you celebrate or not, Valentine’s Day...
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What is Inflation and Is it Here to Stay?

By Steven M. Rogé, MBA, CFP®, AIF® Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer Although we had high hopes that the unpredictability of our economy would have waned by now, 2022 has proven to be one of the most unpredictable years of this last decade. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell was right when he announced that...
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What to Do When Laid Off

By Steven M. Rogé, MBA, CFP®, AIF® Chief Investment Officer As companies struggle to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and many shift from brick-and-mortar based businesses to hybrid or virtual, thousands of people have lost their jobs. According to PEW Research Center, the pandemic has caused layoffs for a quarter of U.S. adults, and a third...
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Creating a Legacy: Investing for Multiple Generations

By Steven M. Rogé, MBA, CFP®, AIF® Leaving a legacy means different things to different people. But to leave a legacy one must have something to give. After almost two decades of rising asset prices (stocks and housing among other assets) an increasing number of individuals and families are in the unique position to not...
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Spending Wisely

By Kelley Muhsemann Communications and Marketing Manager Have you been spending wisely? Although typically when discussing “spending” with our clients, we are referring to money, it can be just as important and valuable to think about how you spend your time. With so many working from home, going out less, and enjoying more “down time”...
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Tools for Coping with Job Loss During a Pandemic

By Kelley Muhsemann Communications and Marketing Manager During the best of times, being “let go” or “laid off” can wreak havoc on your finances. But during a period when so much in life is uncertain, a job loss can feel catastrophic. In addition to financial concerns, you might feel a lack of purpose, or develop...
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