Rogé Report

Recapturing The Joy In Your Life

Ronald W. Rogé, MS, CFP(r) When our existence gets reduced to solving a list of daily problems, the joy in our life disappears. That’s because we unconsciously let others control our existence. The great American marketing machine has reduced our brains to mush and delivers messages to us 24 hours a day, 7days a week...
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Let The Process Be Your Guide

Steven Roge, CMFC We’ve all heard tales of great investments from friends, family and, it may come as no surprise, investment professionals. Many of the stories focus on the outcome and easy money, but these anecdotes are likely to be a distraction from what really matters: developing a sound and consistent investment strategy. Read More
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The First Principle of Value Investing

Steven Roge As the global economy begins to recover, the whirlpool generated by the market slide of the past 18 months has created opportunities for investors across the capitalization spectrum unseen in a generation. While much has changed, the first principle of finding hidden values still applies–a company is only as good as its management...
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