By Steven Rogé, MBA, AIF®, CMFC® Director of Research and Portfolio Manager In keeping with one of President Donald Trump’s promises, we recently saw the enactment of tariffs aimed at reversing unfair trade practices of the Chinese state sponsor companies. This first step was aimed at the steel industry with tariffs on an estimated $60...Read More
By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO There are a great deal of articles and theories on how to tell a good financial advisor from a salesperson or product-pusher. The problem is that most salespeople are so good at looking and sounding like the real thing that it can be difficult to unmask...Read More
By Ronald W. Rogé, MS, CFP® Chairman & CEO Technology has certainly opened a whole new world of possibilities. Cars are driving themselves, we can video chat with friends and family across continents, and information is literally at our fingertips. Unfortunately, there’s always a catch. With all the amazing new pieces of technology comes some...Read More
By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO Searching for a financial advisor can be really confusing. There are so many different types of professionals who call themselves advisors, as well as various designations and certifications to decode. For most investors, putting these puzzle pieces together to gain a coherent picture of a professional...Read More
By Ronald W. Rogé, MS, CFP® Chairman & CEO Being a business owner is radically different than being an employee within a business that belongs to someone else. You tend to watch the business like a hawk, often sacrifice your personal needs, and spend so much time running and planning for the business that you...Read More
By Rosanne Rogé, CSA, RFG, CFP® Managing Director Although we are all living longer, healthier lives, studies show that cognition tends to regress with age. One study recently confirmed that declining cognition is associated with significant decrease in financial literacy, and can impact overall financial decision making.1 Additional research proved that by age 60 our...Read More
By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO While many investors may not be aware of the Department of Labors (DOL) six-year battle to establish a fiduciary standard for anyone providing investment advice on retirement accounts, they are surely aware that President Donald Trump has issued a memorandum aimed at delaying these efforts. On...Read More
By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO Although we are a few weeks into the New Year, the pressure to eat healthier, improve yourself, volunteer, and spend more time with family is still palpable. New Year’s resolutions have been around since Babylonian times, and at the start of the 21st century in the...Read More
By Rosanne Rogé, RFG, CSA, CFP® Managing Director Throughout life, there are many difficult parent-child conversations. Perhaps the most difficult are the conversations that take place between an aging parent and an adult child. It’s best not to enter into these important conversations blindly, so we’ve put together some helpful hints and resources on how...Read More