R.W. Rogé & Company, Inc. was founded by Ronald W. Rogé in July 1986. Today, as we celebrate 35 successful years in business, we want to take a moment to thank all of our loyal clients, nearly 70 of whom have been with us for over 20 years! To celebrate, we put together a fun...Read More
R.W. Rogé & Company, Inc. Chairman and CEO, Ronald W. Rogé, was recently a guest speaker on “45 Forward with Ron Roel,” a show on the Voice America Talk Radio Network. The show aims to provide listeners age 45 and over with strategies to shift the traditional waiting-for-retirement model to a journey of compelling life...Read More
By Steven M. Rogé, MBA, CFP®, AIF® Leaving a legacy means different things to different people. But to leave a legacy one must have something to give. After almost two decades of rising asset prices (stocks and housing among other assets) an increasing number of individuals and families are in the unique position to not...Read More
By Kelley Muhsemann Communications and Marketing Manager Have you been spending wisely? Although typically when discussing “spending” with our clients, we are referring to money, it can be just as important and valuable to think about how you spend your time. With so many working from home, going out less, and enjoying more “down time”...Read More
By Kelley Muhsemann Communications and Marketing Manager During the best of times, being “let go” or “laid off” can wreak havoc on your finances. But during a period when so much in life is uncertain, a job loss can feel catastrophic. In addition to financial concerns, you might feel a lack of purpose, or develop...Read More
By Ronald W. Rogé, MS, CFP® Chairman and CEO I have been thinking about what folks can do while they are sheltering in place that might help them come out of this crisis in better financial shape than they were going into it. As a financial advisor for over 34 years, there are two suggestions...Read More
By Steven Rogé, MBA, AIF®, CMFC® Director of Research and Portfolio Management As you are undoubtably aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is all over the news affecting people’s emotions, stock market volatility, and in some cases their lives. If you are wondering how this is affecting your portfolio, keep in mind that R.W. Rogé & Company,...Read More
By Steven Rogé, MBA, AIF®, CMFC® Director of Research and Portfolio Management We occasionally get questions regarding our domestic equity investment focus. As our clients know, we’ve had this domestic bias for several years now. We made this decision after months of research and collaboration with industry experts to validate or dismiss our thesis that...Read More
What do you do if you become a victim of identity theft, cyber-attack or data breach? The following are the steps you need to take courtesy of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. WITHIN THE FIRST 24-48 HOURS: Call your advisor, regardless of where or how the breach occurred, so he/she can watch for any suspicious...Read More